Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions Xafax NetPay ® balance

Article 1. Definitions

• NetPay Balance: The prepaid amount stored in the user’s Xafax NetPay account, part or all of which      the user can use via the connection to pay for available services.

• Connection: Access to the user’s NetPay account, permitting payment for services made available by the University of Leiden.

Service: Use of multifunctional printers and vending machines made available to users by the University of Leiden.

• User: A natural person who uses or requests a service, other than for commercial or professional purposes.

• Order: An order to pay for the use of a multifunctional printer or vending machine, or any other facilities to be made available at a later date..

Leiden University: The University of Leiden, established in Leiden, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 27368929.

Article 2. Duration and applicability

2.1 The agreement is effectuated the first time use is made of the Xafax NetPay connection.

2.2 The agreement is in principle valid for an indefinite time.

2.3 The user is entitled to terminate the agreement and close the NetPay account at the end of his or her studies or employment at Leiden University, and may then request reimbursement of the remaining NetPay balance, as long as this is greater than EUR 3.00. An EUR 3.00 administration fee is due.

2.4 When a user’s study or employment ends, then the remaining balance will automatically expire after one year.

2.5 Termination of the Xafax NetPay connection also terminates all agreement relating to the available services.

2.6 Leiden University can only deviate from the provisions of these Conditions in writing, in which case the other provisions remain in full force.

2.7 All rights and entitlements stipulated in favor of Leiden University in these Terms and Conditions and any subsequent agreements are also stipulated on behalf of intermediaries and other third parties engaged by Leiden University.

2.8 If Leiden University permits deviations from these Conditions, tacitly or otherwise, for a short or longer period of time, this does not affect its right to demand immediate and strict compliance with these Conditions. The user can never assert any right on the grounds that Leiden University applies these Conditions flexibly.

2.9 If one or more of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement with Leiden University should be in conflict with any applicable legal provision, the relevant provision will lapse and will be replaced by a new legally permissible one to be determined by Leiden University.

Article 3. Use

3.1 The user can use the NetPay balance to pay for an order, as long as the sum payable does not exceed the balance.

3.2 Leiden University is under no obligation to execute an order if the user’s NetPay balance is not sufficient to pay for it. Nor is Leiden University under any obligation to execute part of the requested service that could be paid for by the existing NetPay.

Article 4. Price and Payment

4.1 The NetPay balance can only be used to pay for services designated by Leiden University.

4.2 The prices for the offered services are subject to change by Leiden University.

4.3 Leiden University will offer users with a Xafax NetPay connection one or more ways of topping up their NetPay balance. Leiden University may stipulate the amounts by which the NetPay balance can be topped up, and may change these amounts in future.

4.4 Credit card payments are always charged immediately

4.5 Leiden University will take due care to avoid errors in topping up or transfers from NetPay balances. If such errors do nevertheless occur, Leiden University is entitled to correct them.

4.6 Payment for services is made exclusively by debiting the required amount to the NetPay balance.

4.7 Complaints about debited amounts must be e-mailed to Leiden University, within 14 days of the order in question. Leiden University will accept complaints submitted after this period if there are good reasons why they could not be submitted in time. Submission of a complaint does not remove the obligation to pay for services rendered.

4.8 Leiden University may charge the administrative costs of investigations of complaints concerning payments, if an user makes repeated complaints concerning payments if these complaints turn out to be ungrounded and the user still persists in these complaints.

4.9 Refunds are only possible to Dutch bank accounts.

Article 5. Privacy

5.1 Xafax never passes users’ personal data on to third parties.

5.2 Leiden University does not have access to your balance and transaction history on the myNetPay website.

Article 6. Communication

6.1 Leiden University cannot be held liable for miscommunications, damage, delays or the incorrect transmission of orders and messages due to the use of the Internet or any other means of    communication between the user and Leiden University and/or between Leiden University and third parties, insofar as relating to the relationship between the user and Leiden University, unless and insofar as in the event of intention or gross negligence on the part of Leiden University.

Article 7. Force Majeure

7.1 In the event of force majeure, without prejudice to any of its other rights, Leiden University, at its discretion, has the right to suspend execution of the users’ order and/or to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention by notifying the user of this in writing, without Leiden University being obliged to pay the user any compensation, unless this would, in the given circumstances, be unacceptable according to standards of reasonableness and fairness.

7.2 Force majeure is taken to mean every failure that cannot be attributed to Leiden University has the fault does not lie with Leiden University, and for which it is not accountable by virtue of the                                law, legal act or generally accepted standards.

Article 8. Applicable law and competent court

8.1 All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these General Terms and Conditions apply, as well as these Terms and Conditions, are governed solely by Dutch law.

8.2 All disputes between the parties will be exclusively submitted to the competent sub-district court in The Hague.

Version 1.1 December 2022